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Important Notice : Lawyerintl.com strongly recommends that you seek independent legal advice from a qualified lawyer before using any of the forms on this site, in order that you can verify the forms are suitable for your needs.

Adjustment In Price On Basis Of Sales To Third Parties


The base price shall be reduced to the lowest price at which the seller sells goods of like type, quality and quantity to a third party in a sale in the ordinary course of the sellers business, under terms otherwise comparable to those provided here, and which occurs prior to the termination of this contract. Upon written request the seller shall furnish the buyer with documentation of the contract price for all ordinary course sales of goods of like type and quality made by the seller within the days prior to the date of the request; provided, however, that the buyer shall be entitled to request such documentation no more frequently than once every days.

This is a UCC-buying and selling form.
It is intended to be an addendum to other forms.